Saturday, July 11, 2015

Travel Day 3 (Destination Reached!)

It was the longest travel day so far, but so many good things came out of it that nobody minded its length. We saw an Aunt and an Uncle along the way. This was the uncle whose toe is famous for having been 'vacuumed up' by his youngest brother long ago. Their mother claimed they never argued, but we suspect that they might have. Today the children were determined to have a look at the toe (which was said to have been sewn on backwards at the hospital), but somehow the uncle once again evaded this scrutiny, and departed with his shoe firmly on.

It is not fun getting your toe in a vacuum,  but this uncle lived to tell the tale

We arrived at our destination and found numerous and lovely cousins waiting, with aunts, uncles, great grandmother, and a tall and accommodating cousin-once-removed (or is he a second cousin? Or maybe they mean the same thing. I must check).

A gaggle of cousins looking at Auntie's books

Many 'holes in one' were made (perhaps, with some good old nudges along the way):

It was all a success! Everybody loved their classes. The music thumped! All of the grownups were encouraged by the evening message! For there is just nothing like Psalm 73 in a time when the world and Facebook ply their wares so assuredly.

And so all in all, it was a wonderful first day, and we await the morrow with happy anticipation. As I lay here ready for sleep to arrive, trying to type on a darkened screen in this room filled with children nearby,  these thoughts remain:

Whom have I in Heaven but You?
And besides You, I desire nothing on earth.
My flesh and my heart may fail,
But God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever.
For behold, those who are far from You will perish;
But as for me, the nearness of God is my good;
I have made the Lord God my refuge,
That I may tell of all Your works.

Psalm 73:25 - 28

See you along the Way!
the SconeLady

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