Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Cornwall, Day 29 (Norway Store)

It doesn't matter who is there standing behind the counter, because they are all so wonderfully nice. Even kind. It is everything a corner market should be when one is far from home and needing nourishment and courtesy.

You know already that they have the most delicious croissants, freshly baked. You can tell right away because they are always still warm - at least if you get there early enough! Just yesterday I purchased their chocolate croissant. The lady placed this delicious morsel into the little paper bag, and handed it over to me. It cost 1 pound and 45 pence and was still warm, all snuggled up into its bag. I took it immediately back to the cottage, and tucked right in, with a cup of French press coffee.

By the standards of a California town or city, of course this shop is small. Even tiny. I know of absolutely no shop like this one anywhere near us back home. But here, it is exactly right. Close by, open from 7 to 7, the friendly little bell ringing as one opens the door. If they run out of something, they phone someone and then go and get more. It's brilliant.

One night I was feeling a bit peckish, and wanted to find something to bake. There was a carton of lovely 'double cream' in my tiny refrigerator, and I needed something to pour it over.

The cashier at the Norway Store had several ideas for my sweet tooth. There was a box of brownie mix, a frozen apple pie, some ice cream, and then temptingly, a puff pastry apple strudel. What to do? In the end we settled on a tiny bag of flour, and a packet of cinnamon. The apples were already at the cottage and with butter, I was able to whip up a lovely Crumble! Just perfect for that double cream I'd been wanting to taste.

So in this one blogpost, you have read about a warm chocolate croissant and a rich apple crumble with double cream. Not to mention the American style pancakes and sausage I had this morning (and then...was there a Cornish Pasty in there somewhere?..). Hmm. Maybe it's best that there are no corner markets, or Pasty shops, or Cream Tea rooms near my house. Things like that could get out of hand. 

But for now, I think I hear some leftover Crumble calling my name. 

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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