Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Travel books with detailed directions do not always square with reality. Walking tour books especially will have a quirk here or there, some direction that is not really a direction. Or at least, not one you can decipher very well.

We four were along a lovely walk, after a lovely train ride to Lelant. No one should miss this train ride and that walk, if they ever find themselves in St Ives one fine day. There are so many beauties along the way as to be almost inconceivable. We had begun with a breakfast at the Porthminster Beach Cafe, just steps from the shore. 

I am not likely to forget that breakfast, or the view.
Reluctantly rising from the table, we walked the few steps to the St Ives Railway Station. Our 3 or 4 mile ride revealed an expanse of beaches unrealized by any but those who have been lucky enough to go. It was dreamy.

Climbing off the train, we began to follow our faithful guided map and did quite well, for a while. 

But - we found ourselves upon a golf course. An active golf course. People were bending and swinging and hitting balls to beat the band, but our guide book told us to walk directly through one corner of the course. Surely, we thought, that can't be right. Our HEADS...Rosie and I looked nervously at each other, puzzled.

But the book was specific about it, and so we followed its advice.

Suddenly we were close to a group who were ready to tee off. Good grief, they would be hitting that ball our way any second! We saw a little man on a golf cart dashing our way, looking panicked. "Are you lost?" he shouted. 

We replied that we weren't exactly lost, but on a walking tour. He said, "You're lost. You should be down back that way, closer to the shore. You're about to get hit in the head!"

We skeedadled rather quickly, escaping our danger.  But nothing could really bother us very much right then, because a walking tour on a day like this one? Splendid. It couldn't have been any better. I kept thinking of how blessed we were to be there, in that place, at that time. With those people. And I thought, What's that nonsense about glasses being half empty?

"This glass isn't half empty. It isn't even half full. It's just plain FULL."

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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