Saturday, October 12, 2013

St. Paul's Cathedral - more than just a pretty building

I visited St Paul's Cathedral a couple of years ago, when my sister and I were in London. To say we were astounded by it would be a supreme understatement. Quite apart from its outward and inward beauty (can 'beauty' begin to describe? I think not), there is the no-pretence way in which the services are approached. The Vicar is straightforward in welcoming visitors, stating that this is Christ's church, not theirs, and that all are welcome to join in the worship. They halt all sightseeing during their multiple services each day, so as not to disturb the worship.

I returned to that lovely spot, today, and once again experienced the sung Evensong service. Like the Christ Church boys choir in Oxford, these boys sang their hearts out this evening. There were at least 3 times more boys here, and what with the echo of the massive dome, and the organ surrounding us, no one could have walked away untouched by it.

I spoke in an earlier post about churches being rather like a 'jewel box', ready for us to open and be touched by what is inside. Well then, St Paul's is the Gem of gems. The great thing is, that all you see there is designed to reflect Someone who is bigger than ourselves, bigger than our problems and our relationships.

So. Lay it all down.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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