Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Four Generations, and Martha

Just days ago, I discovered Martha. Again. I have known about her, about her magazine, about her television show, and all of that, for ages. But mostly I had associated her with crafts, or sheets, or muted colors.

Until she made Scones. Yes! She made them. And such perfection is not often realized.

My mother-in-law DVR-ed Martha Bakes, the other day. I was in the kitchen when I heard her talking about Martha Baking scones (you never have to say 'scone' twice, to the SconeLady). I followed her into the TV room and sat down to watch it. My daughter came in and sat. Her 3 year old daughter wandered in. At final count, we had four generations of women, age 3 to 81, watching Martha Bake scones.

Please realize. I haven't tasted anything, yet. But I caught a steady glimpse, and that is a first step. It is  also important to note that the SconeLady is hungry, just thinking about this. Right Now.

Better get out the rolling pin.

See you along the way!

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