Monday, December 15, 2014

Bolsa Chica State Park, CA

It was, they said, surfing almost at its best.

The waves were already substantial looking, but did they care? Were they worried? Of course not. Surfers never seem to be. Their mothers, however, reserve that right.

It was a birthday celebration for the rather stunning son, much anticipated and planned for, although delayed a couple of times. But yesterday it happened, in the way he most wished for it to happen. Turning a year older along with loved ones at a surfing beach? the BEST! 

The children knew the drill. Out they popped from the van, and on went their sandals, jackets and flip flops (I believe a pair of cowboy boots were left in the van).  Sand toys appeared like magic from Mother's bag somewhere, and the play began. There were drinks and sandwiches, chips and grapes, and I am told there was popcorn and chocolate mixed up together in a bag. Frequent tastes of this delicious concoction were made, in between sand castles.

The two surfers disappeared into the waves, and the rest of us watched closely until we could hardly see the two tiny heads bobbing around.  It was tough getting out past the break, but this they finally accomplished as we all stood watch.

When they at last came back to us and everyone was made presentable, into town we all trooped for dinner. The food was terrifically prepared for us by Dukes at Manhattan Beach. And as always there were thoughtful and lively discussions throughout the meal. 

But the evening wasn't over yet! We all:
  • had homemade cupcakes outside near the waves
  • sang happy birthday to the favored uncle
  • danced and laughed and clapped along with an amazing group of calypso drummers
  • walked down the Manhattan Beach Pier, strolling at a leisurely pace and discussing fish size with local fishermen
  • reluctantly parted, when all was accomplished

It was time to go, and after bidding a fond farewell to the favored uncle, three children were very soon sleeping soundly in their car seats.

It was a calm and peaceful drive home.

What a delight it is to celebrate life with such wonderfully beautiful young people. With their children who are well loved and who love right back, no holds barred. Where everyone wants to be together and can't wait for the next time.

"Grandma?" a sleepy voice whispered.

"Yes, my darling.."

"Can't you spend the night all night with us?"

"Well, no, I need to go to my home to sleep. But maybe someday," Grandma said.

She sat in the very back of the van amongst the sleeping blond heads, and thought about the absolute fullness of her life. There was certainly nothing 'half empty' about it.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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