Saturday, January 18, 2014

Plans, Dreams, Hopes


I wonder if this sign has the same effect on you that it seems to have on me. It makes my fingers automatically speed type to Virgin Airlines, London B&Bs, and Oxford University Rooms.

There must be a journey in the works! 

Quite honestly, although I would like to be laying specific plans right this very minute, things are very much in the earliest stages. But still, at least I am IN A STAGE. Somewhere. (It must be true because I can almost see my husband's fingers clutching the credit cards..)
St Paul's Cathedral, with my camera
I do seem to receive rather frequent notices from Virgin Airlines; lower pricing moments turn up from time to time. The folks who book self catering cottages in Cornwall certainly have my email address, and certainly are sending me all sorts of lovely ones to consider. Self catering is simply a terrific way to go, one I can't wait to repeat. Especially if maybe friend Rosie+ might be able to join.

I won't be able to wait terribly awfully long. Or, that would be terrible and awful, and we can't have that. I am enjoying scones here in the United States but really, one cannot go without the True Brit variety indefinitely.

We shall see. We shall....see..... along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="">Sprengben [why not get a friend]</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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