Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Pardon Me While I Snuggle

While we discuss international travel with small children, I must just peek at the darlings who have my heart.

Certainly when you live with young ones such as these, there will be complications. Screams, and such. Perhaps grabbing or chasing. But I have three words for you on this:

What about the mess everything makes? The endless driving you must do? The fact that you HAVE NO ENERGY LEFT? Those are all real, but they aren't what you will remember in 20 years. Mess, and driving, and energylessness are all peripheral. The tenderness is right there at the center.

Maybe I didn't anticipate this on that day when, for 10 straight hours a young (but powerful) voice shrieked toward my face at 500 miles per hour. The fog would clear a bit later, sometime before this sweet face made its appearance.

Our mother used to tell us there is an extra measure of Grace for young mothers. I believe it. I needed it! And, so do you my dear Readers. Gather it to your own weary heart, and gaze a bit ahead - past the mess, beyond the thousand details that need your attentions.

That way, you will have Grace left over for that tiny screaming face, nonstop, on an overseas flight. Worth It All!

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

1 comment:

  1. .......Eternity will tell the story.

    What great pictures!
