Monday, November 18, 2013

Unique and Welcomed

Dear scone lovers, just feast your eyes on that. Ten scones, hot, fresh, and made with love. A reliably satisfying feast.

When you produce your own home-baked scones, you know that they will all taste scrumptious. But no matter how hard you try, they won't all come out looking alike. This does not nullify your love for, or anticipation of, the scone fest. Each is unique and welcomed in this world.

If you wanted perfect and equally formed scones, I suppose you could go to some kind of production plant that has focused on conformity, if not taste. For some ingredients must be altered in the quest for outward perfection, and the results can leave you unsatisfied.

We humans are utterly different from one another, as well. We are colorful, and contrastive. Yet there is a movement afoot to encourage ever younger people to lay down their dollars and have themselves altered in some way. To strive for an ideal of perfection, even though the perfection will not itself last more than a few years.

I wonder if we as a human race have forgotten that we each are Unique and Welcomed in this world. A singularly blessed someone-who-Matters.

Now. Would somebody please pass the butter?

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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