Monday, November 25, 2013

A Walking Fool

It is a question I am often asked, by good friends, by acquaintances, by family, and by complete strangers.

'Just how far do you walk each day?'

The answer, in the law of averages, is 10 miles. Mm-hm, that's 10 miles a day, every day - apart from traveling days, which sometimes crowd out the walking. And now that I have gotten accustomed to this freakish habit, I can't bear to stop it. It breathes life to me!

I have always enjoyed walks of all sorts - with my children, when we can really get in a good talk, or pushing my grandchildren's strollers, or walking while traveling in another country. It is such a good way to see things! An absence of Rushing. But this - this 10 mile business, began during the time when I was restricted from driving, and from riding in a vehicle. I walked, because I could do nothing else!

These restrictions were in place for nearly a year, and by the time they were lifted, I was a bonafide Walking Fool; meaning, I was hooked!

After having spinal fusion surgery, I was weak as a kitten and unable to hobble even one teeny-weeny block. So I became resolved to lengthen the one block to two, the two to four, and in time the vitality began to take root again.

I am not finished speaking with you about this, my dear scone-lovers. Because it does, it really does tie in to our love of scones, haha! And that is one reason we drift back, and back, to these pages.

And I still look forward to seeing you along the way!
the SconeLady


photo credit: <a href="">-mrsraggle-</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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