Friday, November 15, 2013

Exquisite Planning. Half of the Fun (part 1)

When a person is dreaming out a plan of travel, that person becomes immediately submerged in the flood waters of choice. Where to go, how to get there, how to get around once you are there, what to do about money, about lodging, sightseeing, and mostly, about communication.

Rather than all of this choice presenting a burden, it is actually the opposite of burdensome. It is delightful! Are you hearing me? It is In my very first blog entry, entitled 'Countdown', it was expressed in this way:

'It is hard to imagine how any trip could possibly be as enjoyable as the anticipation and planning of it! I have had so much fun scheming and plotting that I feared the actuality must fall short somehow.' 9/15/13

All of this planning took about a YEAR. But it was, truly, a large portion of the fun!

Arranging effective communication was of high priority, in order to be as close to family as possible. With an iPhone and an iPad, surely there was something, some plan we could set up that would avoid gargantuan roaming charges while using the phone just as I did at home.

The final decision was to purchase a UK SIM card at London Heathrow. Remove my US SIM card from the iPhone. Insert the UK card in its place. Ring the UK phone company that would supply 30 days of usage, including all-you-can-eat Data. Voila! It worked, and I would use the iPad for FaceTiming on Wifi. It was all soon sorted, and I was off!

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="">Scorpions and Centaurs</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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