Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Most Important Thursday

Everywhere I go these days, someone is greeting me with a smile and a 'Happy Thanksgiving!' Bank tellers, Walmart greeters, wait staff in restaurants, and the kind folks at Home Depot are all looking forward to Thanksgiving Day.

But what do Americans do when they find themselves in another country on Thanksgiving Day?

In 1991 our little family was living in England. We wanted to find a different way to celebrate this holiday, and share the meal with our British friends. So we invited friend Rosie and her family, and our neighbor, Robert.

There was so much to do - long before the day, we purchased a wild turkey from Rosie's farm, rather than picking up a frozen bird at the Commissary. My small daughter and I drove out to get it, and were surprised to see Ted in the turkey pen when we arrived. We had not realized that our Thanksgiving turkey would still be alive!

That was a very interesting day. And it was going to be a very interesting Thanksgiving Day. I will tell you all about it tomorrow, on the day Itself.

With many warm greetings from,
the SconeLady!

photo credit: <a href="">U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Northeast Region</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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