Friday, July 18, 2014

This Happy Distraction

I was going to write about Paula Deen's cinnamon rolls, but it turns out I didn't want to write about them. They are nice and rather comforting, those rolls; but something infinitely nicer and more comforting prompts my pen this night. There are three of them downstairs, being placed into their beds. I do not mean to say that they all stay in their beds. But they are placed there, nonetheless.

It has been a long and busy and even productive day, this last day of the visiting vacation. It began with the fantastically fun digging in the rocks and dirt of the enormous driveway. There can never be too many rocks.

Then there was the 'visit' by our friendly doe, which was very entertaining - and somewhat awe-inspiring it must be said.
                             A deer becomes friendly 
Also there was running chase through the grasses of the hugely spacious lawn. This lawn was planted, fertilized, and tended by a kindly grandfather who knew the three were coming. He refurbished it months ago in preparation, so it is fine to see them running chase through it. 

Best of all these things was the trip, floating, down the Deschutes River. Each had a life preserver, as did grandma. Grandma also held her purple umbrella, which numerous people commented on as if they had never seen a lady with a purple umbrella in a tube while floating down the Deschutes. You really would think they thought this hilariously funny. It was very comforting to hear them say they wish they had thought of it themselves.

The tubes were great fun, and for most of the trip all 6 of us were held together by hanging onto the side handles. Occasionally, though, a rogue tube would separate (as you see below), and then a grownup - usually daddy - had to retrieve the rogue. No harm was done. Just a lot of good natured shouting and laughter. This kind of thing went on among all the floaters. Only positive language, and happiness. Comaraderie.

It was all great fun and had we taken a vote, today would be a pinnacle, with perhaps horse riding right up there as a tie. Or perhaps - playing with cousins all afternoon at Black Butte; or even, riding a four wheeler and a combine on a farm in Lebanon. Well, there are just too many terrific things to consider for votes. It was all equally marvelous. 

The SconeLady travels down the river with her purple umbrella

It is time now for sleep. I hope, dear Readers, that you are enjoying your summer; that you might have small ones somewhere in the vicinity of your ankles or knees, asking and wanting and laughing up at you.

I wish everyone had a joy like that one. Perhaps then they would be distracted and wouldn't need to fear, or blame, or have international incidents that end lives and muddy the waters of accord. I wish.

Let's think about it. Maybe we feel we cannot do very much to create this happy distraction. But I really do think we can.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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