Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Lady With The Purple Umbrella (2)

It really wasn't fair, and caught me by surprise. I, who have blithely stated that 'almost nothing can surprise me anymore'. Usually, when strolling down a lovely river path, surrounded by pines and adorable bridges, green grass and flowers, the SconeLady's contentment knows no bounds. And this was the case, this morning. Having arrived early for a meeting near said river, I determined to walk while I had the chance. There was a cool, clean breeze and the temperature was just as perfect as it could possibly be.

Gazing out across the river, my thoughts wandered gently toward where they might find a similar view nearly 5,000 miles distant. Let's see, the flight would take about 10 hours, then the tube to King's Cross.....and then...


...as I rounded the bend in the path, there was a person standing in front of me that I could not at first comprehend. This was because he was standing there alone - wearing (are you ready for it?) NOTHING BUT UNDERPANTS. What a shock I underwent. How slightly gruesome!  I am not squeamish, as a rule, about such things as underpants when they make an appropriate appearance. But this was beyond-the-appropriate and so I was, admittedly, squeamish.

The man appeared to be just as shocked to see me as I was to see him. Who knows? Perhaps he had just finished his bath, and was hoping to finish dressing before anyone saw (but there wasn't a towel). Or maybe he had just awakened and had not been able to prepare himself for company. Whatever. All I could think of was feeling terribly sorry for his poor mother.

I rushed by him and picked my way past the detritus of his night's sleep. There on a park bench lay his pillow, his shoes, his book, a shirt and pants. 

Upon arrival at my meeting, I nonchalantly shared with my colleagues what had happened. They howled and thought it was an absolute scream. I wasn't so sure. Someone asked, "Well, what book was he reading?" I hesitated, because it was so nearly unbelievable. But then finally, out it came.

"How to Win Friends And Influence People".

I don't think he'd gotten very far.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="https://www.flickr.com/photos/brianmario/106227401/">brianmario</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/">cc</a>

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