Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Alone, at the Bottom of the World (part 2)

It must be difficult for any mother to wave goodbye at an airport, and not see the end from the beginning. In 1972 our communication consisted of telegrams, letters, and one (costly) phone call - one! For this reason we would not hear each other's voice for many months. 

Nearly 7,000 miles from my good and lovely home. Strange tears threatened...home seemed terribly dear, and also terribly remote.

On the morning of my arrival, I was scooped up from the airport and driven (wrong side of road) to the most beautiful Lodge, called Capernwray. Perched atop a tall cliff, overlooking a dazzling sea, it was quite simply - perfect. 

May I say? I was enchanted by all of it. The Lodge was dreamy. There were little pathways throughout the property, with lovely flower gardens (little did I know this was because the students actually worked on them!). Morning and afternoon tea would be served during our breaks. And wonder of wonders, there were students from all over the world, some of whom I know and love to this day. 

Thus I found this miraculous, even blissful spot at the bottom of the World. Anything might happen here. Perhaps my earlier hopes would be realized! Perhaps friendships would be made - and kept. And, highest of hopes, perhaps I would find sweet success in Life's essentials.

These were all prayers prayed that first night, with moonlight gleaming in through the window of my little room. My new roommate grasped my hand to join the prayer, and I knew then that I had found the beginnings of a dear home, away from home. 


photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/sxbaird/8150084734/">stewartbaird</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.0/">cc</a>


  1. I hope Tony has a chance to see these posts. You did find success and gained a new direction for life while in New Zealand.

  2. I will let him know about these posts. That place influenced so many of us and was a real crossroads. And it continues on!
