Friday, March 7, 2014

Alone, at the Bottom of the World (part 33)

A Beatle at Winter Formal

There was to be a Winter Formal, and my little sister was going. She was beautiful, and the sweetest thing this side of the Mississippi. The little blond with blue eyes was now 15. And she had a date to the Formal.

Her dress was ready, shoes picked out, with just the right hair style to go with it all. But then the phone rang, and there was News: her date was sick! A general panic ensued (one simply must go to Winter Formal) until I had a brilliant idea:

Stuart would go!

He was, as you know, with us for that Christmas holiday and what could be easier than for him to take my sister to this dance? He was only 18, about the same age as the seniors who would be there. The little sister thought it a superb idea and hoped it would work. Other sisters surrounding the sister highly favored the plan because after all, one simply must go to Winter Formal.

With some trepidation, we approached Stuart with the prospect. 

"An American, High School, Winter Formal dance?" he exclaimed, with a shocked look.

"But what is wrong with going to an American High School Winter Formal dance?" I pleaded.

"Well I haven't got anything to wear, I won't know anybody, and I - don't - know - how - to - - - DANCE!!!"

I could hardly picture an 18 year old not knowing how to dance, but the look on his face told me that I'd better not say so. We talked it over with my little sister, who said, "We won't have to dance! We'll talk instead."

"Well alright then. Find me a suit to wear and I'll do it." There followed a flurry of activity as appropriate clothing was found (my brother was just his size), shoes dug out of some closet, long hair combed and ready. Everyone helped. Some family member even dashed out and got them the obligatory boutonniere and corsage.

When they arrived at the dance, everyone was stunned to see my sister with a STRANGER. A guy whom no one else KNEW, who had a foreign ACCENT and (it was whispered) MIGHT ACTUALLY BE A BEATLE!! It caused no end of a stir that night. Girls flocked round their table. Boys watched jealously as their dates found a way to strike up a conversation. Chaperones made friendly comments throughout the evening and in the end, Stuart had never, ever, been so popular. Without ever having danced even once.

My sister's original date, as it turned out, felt rather miffed when he later heard the story. He was incensed to have been so easily replaced. And especially by a BEATLE. 

(He had always preferred the Beach Boys.)

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="">Flower Factor</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

photo credit: <a href="">tommaync</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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