Sunday, September 1, 2024

Laying Down on a Cobblestone Street

It was odd from the beginning. 

I could tell right away that the airline people were not happy, but grumpy, using shouting voices at the passengers multiple times until small children actually began to cry.

We finally boarded the plane, but after a considerable wait the pilot announced that something was wrong below in the baggage compartment. As we took this in, a flight attendant announced that there was not very much food aboard the plane, so that only one meal would be served as we crossed the Pond for 10 and a half hours. And they hoped we had all brought our own snacks because they would not be providing any. "Please share your snacks with others," she said. Whaat?!

Oh. And they hoped we had all brought our own water bottles because...

(I, who ridiculously had NO FOOD OR WATER in my bag, became prematurely hungry and thirsty).

The delay lasted 4 hours including a change of planes, and because we were so late, everyone on board missed their flight connections and trains. And lots of children were screaming. 

I missed my train and cab, and the resulting chaos was written to friend Rosie and Our Em:

"The train pulled into St Ives at 8:30pm (3 hours late because the train tracks were faulty), and no cab! I had booked one last week, and called them several times when the train was delayed, to let them know. Well, they didn't come and I tried to reach them but the man on the phone said he hadn't heard of anyone named Chris, and anyway there is no street called 'Salubrious Terrace' in St Ives. 

"But sir, it's dark out here."

"Sorry. No cabs available." Whaat!!? 

The story from then is LONG, but suffice it to say that I dragged bags up and down the steep streets of St Ives, unable to find the cottage IN THE DARK! When after an hour I did finally find it, I had to lay down on the cobbles to try and open the key safe while holding an iPhone flashlight, because the key safe was attached to the cottage at STREET LEVEL. Hahahaha! (only it wasn't funny THEN). I called the helpline for my cottage company repeatedly but no one picked up. They must be laughing today as they listen to my increasingly desperate messages. (I'm embarrassed about that now).

Finally, at 10:30pm the key safe fell open of its own accord (mystery), and I burst into tears. The process from getting off the train had taken TWO HOURS.

But I have now been to the Yellow Canary for coffee and a chocolate twist, so all is right with the world!"

And so, dear Readers, I am in my darling St Ives at long last. One grandchild asked (hopefully) if Grandma might decide to come straight home after all this. As much as I would love to be there, facing even one more train or plane or missing taxi cab right away might just about do me in.

See you along the way!

the SconeLady

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