Thursday, September 12, 2024

A New Number One

 The Italian coffee shop is a perfect combination of Italian coffees and treats, and Cornish delicacies. Its Italian proprietor pours himself into the work, and as a result he is extremely popular in these parts. 

 The coffee shop sits directly beneath the lovely and wonderful Pier House cottage, and the whole building faces straight out to St Ives Bay and the Celtic Sea. I can't think of any location more perfectly suited to people who love St Ives.

 I stop by frequently and bring friends and family whenever they make their way to St Ives. But today I was especially privileged to come before it opened, for ... you'll never guess it... a Cream Tea! He had discovered my love of scones, and said I must come have some of his. In great anticipation I awoke early, to walk a few miles and get myself good and hungry. 

The SconeLady and the Italian proprietor

 Then, I watched as he placed the frozen scones in the oven (they had been made and frozen beforehand in his home, with baking them as a next step. This is precisely the way The Digey made their scones). They baked as he organized his counter-top products. We chatted about the south and north of Italy and what made them so different, and yet so wonderful. It was during this fascinating conversation that the oven pinged, and the scones were ready.

They were terrific! Hot out of the oven, he served them with clotted cream and strawberry jam, hot tea, served in a ceramic cup, pot, and cream jug. The perfect setup! I was happier than I had been about scones since The Digey Food Rooms had become Source Kitchen. 

(Just so you know, Source Kitchen was not to blame. The Digey was closing, and Source wanted it. But it really was a terrible shock to fly over the Pond thinking of Digey scones - and find the cupboard was BARE!)

Well, we now have another #1 Scone, dear Readers, because my Italian friend's scones are perfection. And on a note of full disclosure, you won't find a Cream Tea on the menu because, for now, they aren't on it. This morning was was a rare, but sweet, one-off.

Did I not tell you I was privileged?

See you along the way!

the SconeLady

Scones whilst gazing out at the Celtic Sea

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