Saturday, September 14, 2024

Dinner's Ready

  I did, at last, find him.

 A non-fisherman, particularly a girl one, really does not know how to figure a fisherman out. Does the fisherman go out when the tide is in? Or did he come in when the tide was out? It was confusing. So back I would walk towards Smeaton's Pier.

 And there he stood, working and laughing with a clot of other fishermen who would soon head out to where Stuart was heading. I hung back a little, not knowing any of them and having absolutely no vocabulary that fit the situation. Then he saw me.

"You're back!" he called, thrusting out a strong hand to shake mine. "Y'alright? Say, I'm headed out in a minute but today it'll only be crab. What do you say about crab?" 

I didn't know much about cooking a crab, having never done it. Did it call for anything gruesome, like killing it? Did their claws reach out toward one whilst one was boiling it? I really did not know. About all I did know was that crab sure tastes good.

 We decided to wait and I would tell him when we were ready. This turned out to be a good pan because my friends and I realized that we have now booked ourselves into so many activities and food productions that there will be NO TIME FOR SEAFOOD from Smeaton's Pier. Here is our schedule:

 Friday - dinner at 'Ardor' (formerly the Seafood Cafe)
Saturday - the Lelant pathway, ending up at Rosamunde Pilcher's house and grave
Sunday - the Coffin Trail with our favorite walking tour guide
Monday - morning Spa treatment and evening Mousehole Male Voice Choir rehearsal at Paul
Tuesday - afternoon Tea at the Ugly Butterfly in Carbis Bay
Wednesday - day trip to Looe and lunch at the Sardine Factory
Thursday - matinee at The Minack theatre on the cliff (seeing Pirates of Penzance)
Friday - Fisherman's Friends concert in Hayle!


 Isn't it a smashing schedule?

 Seeing the lovely Pennie and dear Jean topped off the day because being with them always does that. With Pennie I consumed a Cream Tea at the Tate Gallery, and with Jean I sampled a delicious chocolate brownie from the Yellow Canary Cafe (have you noticed how many of my activities involve food?? I didn't until just this instant!).

 Right now, friend Rosie and our Em are downstairs cooking up a storm. They are making a Sea Bass dinner that will be as good as any restaurant, while chatting and laughing and making merry in general. Soon I shall be hearing two of the nicest, most popular words known to man: 
"Dinner's ready!" 

See you along the way!

the SconeLady

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