Tuesday, June 17, 2014

While the Nanny State Was Still Sleeping (2)

Nobody had told him to be afraid, and it didn't occur to him. He squinted up the long, almost perpendicular steps skyward to the high dive above. It was the summer of '87, and the SconeLady's son was 3 years old. Are you hearing me? Three. Up he clambered above the asphalt, his sturdy baby legs pumping purposefully onward.

Upon his arrival at the top, the small boy crept toward the edge slowly - just to see what was there. He peered downward for a moment, backed up, and then threw himself gloriously over. Down and down he fell, arms wide, legs kicking in anticipation. The splash was spectacular. As mesmerized spectators held their collective breath, the little head finally popped up and he paddled for the side.

A cheer went up, wild clapping and jumping all around, the lifeguard standing ready to pull the little guy out. He was smiling hugely and shivered out, "Again, mommy!" It would become a pattern, all summer long.

How could we allow the rather stunning son to endanger himself in such fashion? What were we thinking? (you might ask). Frankly, the family had become accustomed to the sports obsessions of this pre-preschooler. There had been numerous enthusiasms, each more deeply pursued than the last. 

We discovered his proclivity with a baseball when at 6 months he hit the preacher in the chest during the sermon. We knew something was up with soccer when at age 2, he disappeared and was found at the neighbor's watching Argentina winning the World Cup. His parents joined in by setting up bowling pins, pitching hundreds of balls, running Washington Redskins plays, and catching numerous long throws with a frisbee (18 months).  It was never-ending.

And so now the Lifeguard, when asked said sure! - he could jump off as long as he alerted the staff first. When by now most 3's would be in the kiddie pool, this one was flinging himself dramatically off a 15 foot high dive.

1987? A pretty good year, I'd say. 

No Nanny State.

See you along the way!
the Scone Lady 

photo credit: <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/nostri-imago/5224526190/">cliff1066™</a> via <a href="http://photopin.com">photopin</a> <a href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0/">cc</a>

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