Saturday, June 28, 2014

Contemplating Water

We knew we were getting close because of the cries wafting up from somewhere off to the left. We parked, and just followed the noise.

Our little guy didn't say a word but slowly picked his way past some toys and garden implements along the side yard. He held his mother's hand, a little uncertain about the voice of crying just ahead. Little did he know it would be his turn, soon. Rounding the corner we came upon the pool, which was occupied by one kindly woman and the source of the aforementioned cries.

The kindly woman was explaining to the toddler what was going to happen next. "Ok, David, I'm going to let you go and you can turn over and float.." More cries wafted forth. She did let him go, at which time the cries ceased. He squiggled in the water, then turned over, and began to float -  face up. Success! 

Infant survival swim lessons. It's what this is all about. 

The neighbors aren't always very happy about the noise. Intermittent screams punctuated by splashes and more wailing? They are squeamish. "If people get lost getting here, all they have to do is follow the screaming." But as the days and weeks passed and we saw our grandson learning to save himself in water, we were IN. 

Southern Californians tend to go in for swimming pools. They are fantastic fun and a great way to stay cool on those horribly hot days of summer. But we wondered: what about the grandchildren! So we put in a fence with a locked gate. We doubled up on the lock going out the back door. And then the lovely daughter learned about this other step: helping the children rescue themselves, in an emergency. Giving them those moments to survive while they wait for help. Perfect!

All three of her children have had these lessons and have graduated. Do you want to know what the graduation exercise is? It sounds shocking, but the graduating child is dressed in full clothing - sweats, socks, shoes, diaper, hoodie - and then (there is no delicate way to describe this) thrown into the water - with the teacher of course within arm's reach. The baby or toddler swims to the top, turns over, floats, and breathes. Are you amazed? We were! They also learn to paddle to the pool side, hang on, and wait. I love this!

Pools, lakes, hot tubs, rivers - all of these are attractive to our littles. Those cooling, splashing bodies of water prove to be almost irresistible magnets. It behooves all of us to do whatever we can to protect and defend.

This small sweet thing gazing out the window is contemplating water. He can hardly wait to practice his newly learned rescue moves, with his mother. She also is eager - the sooner the better.

It's all about Life - it's what he deserves.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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