Thursday, April 17, 2014

Red Raspberry Scones in this Sweet Woodland Cabin

On a recent trip to World Market (my new favorite place) I discovered a few scone mixes that might be helpful, in a pinch. The SconeLady is not above using a scone mix, although it may shock some to hear of it. I find it a little bit shocking myself. But I have been served these scones before and was not at all dissatisfied. 

I picked out the Red Raspberry and Original Recipe scone mixes to try. They are made by Sticky Fingers Bakery: 'Quick & Easy! Just add water, mix, and bake!' I had to hand it to the Sticky Fingers folks. It was quick. It was easy. It was less than five minutes to mix, roll, and pop into the hot oven. Wow.

Why is World Market my new favorite place? Well, the years spent in England acclimated us to certain food stuffs, which we gave up reluctantly upon our return. These food stuffs were not easily findable, here. And I looked hard. 

In California, my sister told me about a sweet place called 'All Things Bright And British'. Have you ever been there, dear Readers? I loved it. One could find British teas, fresh scones served properly, digestive biscuits, custard mix, Cadbury Chocolate bars, teapots and so on. You could literally pretend you had gone back.

But then the store closed, and I was bereft. The advent of World Market meant I was rescued and have loved them for it ever since.

Some thoughts on this latest scone-venture:

  • These scones tasted delicious! I served them to myself with butter, my M-I-L's homemade strawberry jam, and real whipped cream.
  • The Red Raspberry scones came out of the oven about 9 minutes later than the mix suggested (they said 12 - 15 minutes, and mine were ready in 23. It could be the oven). 
  • The actual height of the scones was a bit unimpressive. You will see below that they did not raise to the dizzying heights of those from The Little Book of Scones, by All'Scone.  
  • Eating scones with oneself is not as satisfying as eating them with someone else. 

The real advantage of the Sticky Fingers scone mix is speed and convenience. And why should we not have speed and convenience? (I ask you). Some days you deserve to have a sweet and British treat without the wait. Dig in! But don't forget the cream.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

Never forget the cream

photo credit: <a href="">Kodamakitty</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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