Monday, February 17, 2014

Downton Abbey Ep7

Lady Mary Saves the Day
Bates Wishes Real Hard

Episode 7 finds us liking Edith more, and then more again. What do you think? I will assume right now that you do not need a Spoiler Alert and that you are aware she is going to have a baby. Much remains to be yet known, but I hold out every hope that Edith will find her way through this dilemma and into happiness. And that our favorite Dowager will use all her wiles to help her do it.
Another favorite of the folks at SconeTherapy is thankfully back with us this Episode - Mr. Molesley. We adore when he makes an appearance and the uplifting Molesley music plays. Mr. Molesley may not wish to be a footman, and he may think he has 'come down in the world', but he knows one thing for sure: he knows that Thomas Barrow is a scoundrel. Keep your eyes peeled on this one because my rather loose prediction is that Molesley will prevail. And not the scoundrel.

     Thomas Barrow

Did anyone notice the comment about Lord Grantham not liking the babies to come into the 'living room' with the adults? Hmm.

AND! Did I not say that Bates would 'find a way' to take care of Mr. Green??? Did I not?? I am not actually implying that Bates DID do anything that TOOK CARE OF Mr. Green. I am not. It just seems like his wishful thinking may have accidentally - umm well, taken care of him. 

Have you noticed that Lady Mary does not shrink from stepping in to save the day? She did it a couple of times tonight and I feel she may dare to do it again.

For the rest..

I still don't care about the Liberal political meetings and forays that the lady attends and wants Tom to attend.
I do care that Tom still knows how to repair a car motor.

I really really do not like Lord Gillingham's face and would rather see the back of his head.

I think Lady Mary probably also does not like Lord Gillingham's face.

I believe Alfred was barking up the wrong tree and that the right one was there all along but he ignored it (just like a man).

Thank heavens Lord Grantham is back.

And, there again you have it. The melodrama builds, and Edith surprises us all. But Rose? - well, we will just have to hang on and see what on earth she is going to do next. And almost nothing would surprise the SconeLady.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="">e r j k p r u n c z y k</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

photo credit: <a href="">iron_smyth48</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

photo credit: <a href="">GriffinStar7</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>