Monday, September 30, 2013

Cotswold Gold (day 12)

You can look at photos on the Internet, but nothing can prepare you for the reality of the beautiful, golden Cotswolds. I was on a bus, daydreaming, when suddenly I caught a glimpse of a splendid thatched house (no cottage, this!). My bus patrons and I were all at once surrounded by them, and astounded by them. The outer wall stones beneath the thatch, lovely in pictures, were in truth the creamiest most buttery yummy golden!

Thus began my experience of the Cotswolds. You might be interested to note that I was able to find a delicious, even delectable scone with jam and cream and butter, and warmed! And with tea that more then met expectations. It does not surprise me that it was found here, in this yummiest of places.

The SconeLady gave this scone a 10!!

A long day of walking is ahead of me. See you along the way!

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