Saturday, August 2, 2014

Gabrielle Blair is Designmom

I knew right away it would be a binge-read. Remember those potato chips that you can never eat just one of? That's You just have to keep reading.

I was already following a gob of blogs, and loving it. I wasn't a blogger yet myself, but was interested in bloggers and was related to some of them. My favorite was/is a sewing blog you can view here.  Adorable! And there were blogs about being a good grandmother (the SconeLady always wants to be that). I found blogs that talked about movies and books. Not to mention blogs covering potty training, weight loss, and child discipline. It was all rather exhausting.

And then I heard that my super talented niece had done the photography for a post at So I moseyed on over to check it out. The post was great and the next thing I knew, I had become hooked. Maybe it's the beautiful designs Gabby creates and gathers into her Designmom space. Maybe it's the easy-breezy way she speaks that keeps you coming back. Whatever. We're back. In our droves.

Check it out, if you haven't already. I was binge reading it one day when I was electrified to read that Gabrielle had been on House Hunters International! I love that show and am always trying to find the England episodes. The installment featuring Gabby and her family took place in France, and it's the coolest thing! 

Whatever it is you are doing right now, pause and find it on youtube here. It's in four parts. I just adore the house they chose to live in! It would be dreamy to find a house out in the French countryside filled with charm, and art, and beauty. I can't wait to hear what you think of it.

The world of blogging and posts is a new one. It's a fun one! Anyone can see that it's here to stay because it's all about sharing. Maybe it's a little bit like the old quilting circles women used to join; where ladies could share what they were learning, and pass along newly minted skills. I like that. It's a Circle.

I hope you'll keep coming back to the SconeLady's 'circle'. Maybe it'll become a binge-read.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="">ALT Summit</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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