Grandma squeezed into the minuscule seat in the far back of the van. She had been generously invited to 'share' that space with a small sprite dearly loved.
It was simply an offer I couldn't refuse.

Inside the house, we instantly smelled something luscious. It seemed like - could it be? - a scone! Great-aunt had baked up a pile of them in honor of the visit! She had the scones out and ready and the small girl's eyes lit up. There were even GOLDEN FORKS, just like Buckingham Palace! This small factor was proof positive the scones would taste wonderful, and she wanted very much to find out. Great-aunt served out scones for each, with butter, jam, and CREAM. She politely said, "Thank you," and began, daintily, to eat.
Oh, they were good. Just the right texture and taste, and hard to stop at one. In fact, the girl ventured later on to inquire as to - seconds?

And then it came time to go. The scones were cleared away, the dishes stacked. The little girl said her Thank You's once more, hugged her Great-aunt, and climbed with ease back into her car seat.
Grandma hesitated only for a moment, then began the process of cramming and squashing herself back into that place of honor, ready for their ride home.
Right about then, a carriage ride with Queen Elizabeth herself wouldn't have been even half so nice.
See you along the way!
the SconeLady
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