These two grandmothers were hilarious. I sat between them on the way to Mother's Day and they kept us regaled with stories and questions and a running commentary. How can two women in their 80's sound just as if they were in their 30's? I couldn't turn to look at them (fused spines are like that) but I could tell they were enjoying the trip.
I want whatever they're having.

There is nothing like a Clippers game when all sorts of gossip and outrage and punishments are flying. You can't top an NBA scandal for ratings. Everybody has an opinion, and none of them are exactly the same, as confusion reigns. But what was not confusing yesterday was the fact that those Clips were down. I drifted into the Cave right at 2:52 pm when the spread was 11 points. I knew this would be a frightful moment for the rather dazzling son in LA, so I texted:

I suddenly flashed back to a moment in time when this son and I had watched the '96 playoffs. At every opportunity we were ensconced in front of the television, in agonies of anticipation as Michael Jordan grabbed the ball and worked a miracle. If they were up, we were up. If they were down, the mom would be down on the floor or running to another room. It was just too suspenseful!

And then it was suddenly over, suddenly time for the Strawberry Pie. Just at the final buzzer it began floating in to the Man Cave piece by piece, served up by the lovely S-I-L. Surely this was a brilliant end to our Mother's Day extravaganza - superior food, dramatic sports action, and happy, beautiful young people.
I don't believe even the Clippers themselves had a better time than we did.
See you along the way!
the SconeLady
photo credit: <a href="">Daquella manera</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
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