Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Cornwall Day 13 - Bells on a Sunday

It was time for church but I was consuming a lovely chocolate twist. The Norway Store had made the chocolate twist which, as I have noticed, many tourists have come to crave. I see them in there every morning. As a past master at getting into the fronts of lines, I have yet to miss out on a chocolate twist, and do not intend to.

But it was time for church. So I finished the delectable treat and headed off down the cobbled lanes. The ever-present bells rang out along the way, from the furthest end of the harbor all the way to the towering church. As I walked on through its door, I saw that our greeting man was the one ringing the bells. He actually let go of the bell rope, picked up a hymnal and the reading sheets, handed them to me saying, "Hello, how lovely to see you!" and then grasped the bell rope once more. It was quite knacky. He didn't miss a beat.

There were lots of people coming through that door that day. The little man greeted them all whilst ringing his bell and handing things out. I wanted to watch him some more, but it was time to find my spot in the pew just next to the giant pillar. I could see absolutely everything. Soon the bells finished their chiming, and all was silent. Someone was kneeling, making the sign of the Cross; a young mother held her baby while juggling all the things one might need during a church service. Soon her husband noticed, and offered to hold those important things. She would hold the truly important thing, wrapped and cuddled inside the blue blanket.

Suddenly the organist played several magnificent chords in his introduction to one of the harvest hymns we were about to sing. Everyone rose to their feet in a body as the introduction concluded and the old old hymn began, everyone singing at the tops of their voices:

We plough the fields and scatter
The good seed on the land.
But it is fed and watered by God's almighty Hand.
He sends the snow in winter, the warmth to swell the grain.
The breezes and the sunshine, and soft refreshing rain.

The words rang out as the door to the side of the Nave began to open, and the white robed choir came forth. As they joined in the song, the congregants took heart and sang with even more feeling. Whenever the choir joins us like that, everybody sounds good! It is, of course, the sweetest thing.

All good gifts around us are sent from Heaven above,
Then thank the Lord, oh thank the Lord
For all His love.

It was time for a nice cup of tea, a biscuit, and gentle conversation. In the background, I heard the splendid organist intoning once again the tune of that harvest hymn:

Accept the gifts we offer, for all Thy love imparts.
But what Thou most desires, our humble, thankful hearts!

Well, that does say it rather well. Don't you think?

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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