It's a question every traveler must answer, whether they like to or not: do I want to stand staring at a baggage carousel? Or would I rather be on my way? It's that simple.
...until it's not.

However sad and resigned I may sound about all of this, I am actually having a lot of fun with it. Planning for London is just about as good as going to it. But it is really important to be sure and do what Rick Steves says: pack light.
I have faced this daunting task before with mixed results. But this time I am determined to get it right. One of my favorite of Rick's memorable quotes about this is, "You can't pack heavy, happy, and cheap. Pick two." (
Happy and cheap sound pretty good. I think I'll try it.
My husband and I talk about this frequently, and at length. It seems pretty certain that he will be able to take a single carry-on backpack, with no checked baggage. Me? I am having a little more difficulty with that. It's the liquids, you see. Ladies, you know what I'm talking about, don't you? We are not allowed to carry on any liquids over 3.4 oz. THIS IS MEAN AND WE ARE SURE A MAN CAME UP WITH IT. Every cosmetic need I have is solved by more liquid than 3.4 oz!
(And if you are secretly wondering whether I really need a certain lotion or potion, you can stop wondering. I do). And so I stand and stare at the 'take' pile...perhaps the automatic suntanning cream isn't all that critical..
The Countdown is on, my dear Readers. Not long now. So much to do in so little time. So many plans yet to make. So many hugs to give. So many cream scones to think about.
Today is Thursday. I fly away on Sunday!
See you along the way!
the SconeLady

photo credit: <a href="">Clint Gardner</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit: <a href="">wiccked</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
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