I could have said 'no'. Some people would have. But not grandmas - never grandmas. This particular grandma could not possibly look into those bright blues and utter that word. I wonder if it's even in the vocabulary.

This girl wished to help, because it is Great Aunt's birthday! Our darling in pink is adept at cooking, at stirring, and at any kitchen thing in general. In fact, whenever grandma starts cooking or baking in the kitchen, she soon hears the sound of three kitchen chairs scraping across the floor. The three have always held it in high honor to help. Especially in the kitchen.
And so today, it was the 4 year old's chair that scraped. As we worked side by side, I found that it was far easier to accomplish my tasks with her there. With scrupulously clean hands, she mixed; she stirred; she put things in bags that grandma needed in bags. She waited patiently for each new task, and followed directions consistently. We both found it to be extremely satisfactory.
A little later, the 2 year old's chair came scraping along, and he 'helped' us with the hot rolls. His helping fell mainly into the category of 'tasting', but we found him to be good and jolly company just the same. Together we made 28 homemade hot rolls! A treasure trove.
The entire day turned into a huge success - a red letter day, if ever there was one. A birthday. Songs. Gifts. Games. Visiting. Food. Laughter. Facetiming. And, as you can see below:
See you along the way!
the SconeLady
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