Previously, part 1
"Well, you don't have to delete them, I'm just suggesting that you do delete them. If something is not deleted, you won't be able to take photos while you are in England. It's up to you."
We (he) hooked the iPhone up to the laptop and brought up a diagram that showed how much memory the iPhone had left. We stared at the graph until he said, " Wow. There's no space. It's a miracle your programs work at all."
Big Ben awaits the SconeLady

But then I remembered that I am also taking the iPad, within which are stored more photos than any lady could ever reasonably need. That's the trouble with my digitals: it's just too much of a good thing.
Managing one's digital supplies is a wearisome chore, I am thinking. The long-suffering husband does his best to render assistance. He did bring it up on that earlier occasion (on many earlier occasions), in the hopes of helping me be ready for the English countryside. He knew I was searching for the perfect scone. He knew that the shores of Cornwall would be a thing of rare beauty worthy of photos. What a terrible thing it would be if the SconeLady was left haplessly bombarded by disc space errors.
I am now reasonably reassured that I, my iPhone, iPad, battery chargers, spare battery pack, juice box, and appropriate cables will be able to do the job. It's almost like having an entourage, only I don't need to feed them. I always wondered what it would be like to travel with an entourage. I probably never will, now. But this is just about as good.
Today is Saturday - I fly away on Sunday! Stay with me, dear Readers. It's much more fun with you along the way.
the SconeLady
photo credit: <a href="">Harshil.Shah</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
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