Tuesday, September 7, 2021

Ticket To Ride

My dear Readers, welcome!

At long last, the SconeLady has made it back to Cornwall, after two years away in Pandemic Land! It's terrific being here, of course, and a magnificent thrill. But there were hoops involved...lots and lots of hoops.

I felt the crack of governmental whips while processing through, uncertain of having done the thing right. But so far, it has all worked. The first Covid test came back Negative; all the passengers on the flight dutifully wore masks and did not argue with anyone; all the paperwork turned out to be spot on and in the end, they let me into the country! Never mind that one's Covid Day 2 test could still come through POSITIVE, leaving one in a very dreadful sort of pickle, isolating, or quarantining, and thrashing about to come up with a plan.

But never mind! The Day 2 test has NOT come back POSITIVE. In fact it has not come back at all, but lingers out there nerve-wrackingly obtuse as I check messages for it every few seconds. This is a finely-tuned sort of torture we who would travel have decided to put up with. But it may turn out to be worth the work. I'll let you know.

But oh, you should just SEE the sun out there today! Gleaming. So bright that it's impossible to take it in. We have even gone into the sea! The actual, real Cornish sea, with actual, real swimming costumes ('suits', for the Americans). And we have had ice creams, and chocolate brownies, and unbelievable meals produced by my wonderfully talented friends, late into the evenings as we sit and discuss, and laugh, and enjoy. 

It has taken me a little while to get started, to produce the blog, to write the post cards, and to get to sleep at the right sort of time. But I think I'm getting it down, now, and eager to share again with you all that is good in this dearest of darling places, to put it into some sort of order, for posterity.

Stay with me for these few minutes each day as I revisit the people and places that have wormed themselves, year by year, into my heart. 

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

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