Thursday, August 2, 2018

She's On The Move

Subtle hints are everywhere: a new suitcase out and opened, someone's passport freshly renewed, British pounds secreted away and aching to be spent. Something must be up. Can you guess?

Yes, dear Readers! Soon I will be rocketing eastward, the asphalts of California behind and  the emerald greens of England out ahead. The SconeLady is on the move!

But wait - am I to understand that the emerald greens of England are actually not emerald and not green, but instead are a hideously scorched brown? Say it isn't so! But alas, friend Rosie confirmed this shocking news just hours ago, and when I land in London it will be NINETY DEGREES! Gulp.

For this reason, sweet Cornwall especially beckons... Cornwall and the cool, the calm, and the sea. It promises to be lovely and mild, eminently survivable. London will have to be dealt with, of course, but hopefully swiftly.

And here's something fun - this time there is somewhere new to visit first, and something new to write. For another book is on the horizon! Having nearly finished the story that deserved to be told, I am taking the leap toward a fictional children's tale, set in a fictional village in England. There are people there to interview, miles to walk, and a boarding school to peruse. I can't hardly wait to get started.

So come with me! Check out this space each day to learn what the SconeLady is up to. I will focus on writing, walking multiple miles, enjoying multiple scones and meeting lovely people, both the known and the unknown. The excitement builds, and my eyes are wide open.

See you along the way!

the SconeLady

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