Saturday, August 11, 2018

And Then Jean

      Jean, today   
Each time I travel to this lovely little part of the world, I make the trek to Carbis Bay for a visit, and a cup of tea, with Jean. We never really know when exactly this trek will happen; we just know that it will. We might be from two different generations and two different countries, but we're both very much on the same wave length. 

Jean and I like having a little something with our tea, and so I brought along some pork pies and custard tarts to add to the festivities. She made a pot of tea while I arranged these dainties on her pretty little plates. These we carried into the lounge to devour, while talking 19-to-the-dozen.

"Took a fall this year," she began.

"Oh, Jean, I am sorry to hear this!" I was truly dismayed. "Are you alright now?"

"Yes, I'm a'right now, just a bit shook up is all," she said in her thick Manchester accent. I was pleased to note that the accent was becoming easier for me to understand. She smiled and pointed out the necklace device she wears to alert the medical people if she falls again. It beeps at them, and then they send an ambulance.

"Have you had an ambulance yet?" I asked.

"Oh yes I did once, only they just come and got me up. Took five of 'em to do t' job."

We laughed about this, and then Jean described in great detail her opinions of 'ambulance men', calling them a 'jolly lot'. She didn't sound a bit sad to have them strolling up her walkway and into her life, rather like a bunch of young nephews.

We had more tea with the tarts (you really should try a custard tart, especially with a cup of tea!) and then it became time for me to go. She watched from the front step as I turned to look at her again. She looked so sweet!

"May I take another picture?" I called out.

"Oh yes, take as many as y' like," she said, and smiled her very own Jean-smile. "And come back t' see me, won't y'?"

Oh yes, Jean, I will come. Wild animals couldn't keep me away.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

1 comment:

  1. ...I'm so impressed with your hearty friends, and lasting relationships with these wonderful people. I prayed for Jean tonight.
