Thursday, August 30, 2018

Shall We Have A Horse

I am mildly envious of these three, sitting atop horses and beach riding. It reminds me that for all of my life, I have wanted a horse. 

As a child, my best friend had a horse, and a paddock, and fields. We would saddle up Gypsy on Saturday mornings, and then climb aboard. It was nice of my friend to invite me along, sitting behind. She knew how I felt.

As a college student, I wanted a horse. But what college student living in a town filled with other college students and on a zero budget can have a horse? There was no money. There was no horse.

As a grown up lady, I thought about having a horse. But with a military lifestyle, one could hardly ask the powers-that-be to transport the thing along with our household goods.

As a mother, I really wanted to have a horse so that our children could ride it and be able to say that they had had a horse. But there was never any way to figure out horsie ownership or horsie logistics. So we just didn't get it figured out.

As a grandmother, now, I would like a horse (just think of the trotting and galloping we could do, and the apples we could give to it!), but owning something huge means owning other huge things; things like pastures, and watering troughs, and feed, and saddles and bridles and - SPACE. 

In all of this talk of horses galloping and eating apples, I have just remembered something. Ages ago, long ages, our family lived on a farm. And among the many animals cared for on that farm, there was a horse! Her name was Zerrita (not sure of her spelling) and we would somehow get her out of her corral and saddle her and bridle her and climb aboard her. Four of us! I even have pictures somewhere, as proof. I think her back was a little bit swayed, but who cared?

I had a horse.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady

One rare day on a horse, with my sister
(for one brief, shining moment!)

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