Wednesday, October 6, 2021

The Beginning of Goodbyes


Today I saw sweet Jean, up the hill and along Polwithen Drive. My arrival was greeted with enthusiastic smiles of welcome by Jean and her daughters; but really, the honors must go to the doggies, for they really could not quite get over me. All down the street (and it is a long street) everyone but the utterly deaf knew I had arrived. 

But lest you get the impression that they barked throughout the entire visit, they did not. It was only the first 5 minutes. Then the smaller one, Jack, leaned on my foot and went to sleep on it. Then we were able to talk, and many subjects were enthusiastically covered. In a while, I glanced over at Jean and saw she was glancing at me. We smiled. It was a busy conversation, and more perhaps than she could cope with. What I really wanted to have was a quiet moment with just her, a 'how are you really doing?' moment. I could tell she wanted the same. Just knowing this made me feel better.

After the treats, and cups of tea, and one foot falling to sleep under the doggie, it was time to go and let sweet Jean rest. We couldn't hug, it would be too risky, but we said goodbye from a little distance.

"Oh, God bless you!" she said, from her comfortable chair by the window. "See you next year.." I went out, and started walking, then stopped.

Jean's daughter was watching. "Do you want to stand outside her window?" And I did, as you can sort of see below. Jean's head is hovering there, toward the left and next to my reflection. This is her special window where friends can come and talk to her through it. It is where the doggies do their cacophonic barks. And it is where Jean can watch the birds who come to her feeder. I felt like one of them today, another little bird coming to her feeder. It gave me a different feeling toward the word 'elderly'.

And in other news, dear Readers, I am one step closer to home, and cleared for takeoff. The SconeLady is Covid Negative!

That result marks the beginning of my goodbyes, though, as I turn from Cornwall and head west. But there is no sorrow in my going - far from it. 

There is a time for everything, as you know...under the sun.

See you along the way!

the SconeLady

St Ives Harbor, under the sun

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