Friday, October 4, 2024

Illumine Me

Can it really be time to go? Have 5 weeks really passed? They must have because: 

1.  a Yellow Canary crab sandwich awaits pickup at 9:15. 

2.  bags are packed and sit patiently by the door.

3.  kitchen items are dealt with and food tossed.

4. medications, makeup, and battery chargers for the laptop, iPhone, Apple Watch, hearing aids, and AirPods are all accounted for.

It's the fiddly bits that always get me, things that had been put into a Very Safe Place, and then forgotten (chief among these *for a while* was the front door key, which was in a Very Safe Place). But the bits are all remembered now, I'm pretty sure.

BBC Radio Cornwall is burbling away to itself, because I haven't the time to focus on anything but St Ives and the process of leaving it. Grandchildren await my reappearance! Not to mention their grandfather awaiting Same. I had already left St Ives once, but then came back, and...but hold on, Radio Cornwall is saying something about Truro Cathedral, which I love. She is the only cathedral in Cornwall and clearly the most beautiful in the kingdom. Those who look after her are thoroughly devoted to their task which I, and many of you, have seen close up.

So what is BBC Radio Cornwall saying? They are saying that the cathedral needs to reach netZERO for carbon emissions by the year 2030. Apparently it isn't easy to reach netZERO these days, so they want to turn off the soft, pretty illumination lights surrounding the cathedral. Have you ever seen it by night? It's a fair knockout! 

       (I don't have an illuminated picture)


Maybe it makes people feel better to attach a number to a problem (zero, 2030, etc), and then hope the number will change. 

Five weeks ago St Ives turned off their street lights in order to reach netZERO while I was stumbling around trying to find my cottage in the dark. It would have helped immensely to have a light or two in the vicinity! 

I tend to lean in the direction of Light, myself. Don't you? And Light is what Truro Cathedral is all about (just ask the Docents), and somehow the idea of it sitting alone in the dark all night sounds sad. 

You are the Light of the world. A city built on a hill cannot be hidden.

Neither do people light a lamp and hide it under a bushel. Instead they put it on a stand

and it gives Light to everyone in the house. Let your Light so shine before men.

Matthew 5:14-16

I am on the train now, watching bright green pastures flying past my window. There isn't a trolly lady this time, but a trolly man who is the jolliest trolly person I've ever seen! He constantly brings the weary travelers his sandwiches, fruitcake, flapjacks, horribly salty chips, and tea. 

I will make the dash for home tomorrow, where my loved ones wait and the Light of the world will not be hidden. 

(I just hope the plane has snacks and water and perhaps more than just one meal!).

"I'm gonna let it shine"

See you along the Way!

the SconeLady

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