They happen every few weeks or so, whenever he makes the drive eastward. We always have great food, that's a given. And take drives to places like dinner and movies. And best of all? the talking walks that can go on for hours. Nothing can replace those great yakking sessions where you can say absolutely anything and not regret it.
I was thinking just today about how superior it is to have two children who like being with their parents. This is a great thing, and makes any amount of effort we might have expended in raising them, worth it all. Yay!

So with these few days left of his vacation, we will take advantage of the freedom and not waste any of it. Right now he is just feet from his father and me, the three of us sitting companionably at our Apple laptops. His is, I believe, tuned to a Clippers game (Clips are up by one, just now!). It is all rather comforting.
In fact, it is all really rather stunning.
See you along the way!
the SconeLady
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