Somehow there are numbers of decent movies from which to choose, after it seemed there never would be again. Such a dry spell we have had! (as if it really matters). It has become fun, again, to go.
We 'went', last night. And, the night before. Practically a binge. Last night was one of the best, this year, and as it began I realized I had actually read its book. The Giver. THAT can be a discussion of another day, because I don't want to lose track of it and of its importance.
But the night before was simply fun. Guardians Of The Galaxy. I don't generally care very much about movie Galaxies, truth be told. I was sort of ho-hum about that whole thing as we walked in, mostly interested in deciding whether I should have M&Ms or not. I finally chose not. But it didn't matter once the movie began, because it was sweet enough without them! Have you seen it? You should, you really should.
I'm trying to remember why it was rated PG-13, but it must have been language, or something. Maybe explosions. There certainly wasn't anything suggestive in it. Start to finish, it was good, and funny, and made one forget the time. I always like a movie that makes me forget the time and forget to think about texting someone. Usually if a movie is a dud, I can always remove myself to the back row and text away.
This time the phone stayed suitably silenced and absolutely forgotten.
A nice guy named Peter Quill accidentally got himself thrown into an Intergalactic Prison, and met up with some people (creatures?) who would, for a variety of reasons, change his life for the better. I believe this was a comic book movie. I mean, a comic book was created with this story line, and it is actually quite a sweet one. The characters (creatures?) might have reminded me a bit of those in Star Wars, but since there is nothing new under the sun, I could forgive that.
The thread within the story line, Peter's mother, made us all like him very much, and feel dreadfully sorry for him right the way through. But 'sorry for him' in a nice way; an appropriate way. It would be horrible to (spoiler alert) lose one's mother when one is a small boy. It hardly bears thinking about. But the facts in the case make him more, not less, of a man in the end. Honorable, in fact. Even manly! There is a lot to be said of manliness, whatever else Hollywood might throw at us by way of ambiguity.

So if you are casting about for somewhere to go tonight, if you are feeling at a loose end, I highly recommend you go, grab some popcorn, and check it out. Sure, it's a superhero film based on a Marvel Comic book, filled with strange players (creatures?) whom one would not typically yearn to see. But I think they got it right this time. I think their concept of good vs evil, of loyalty, of innocent love might just have something for everyone.
And after all, $418,681,000 is kind of hard to argue with.
See you along the way!
the SconeLady
photo credit: <a href="">ell brown</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
photo credit: <a href="">Han Shot First</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>
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