Saturday, March 1, 2014

End of One, Beginning of Another (part 4)


Fall term, 1973. Daily blue skies in September like nothing I had ever seen. As I wandered around this amazing campus, everyone seemed to be smiling. No scowls! I later learned that before the rains set in, before the inundation of classes, and papers, and midterms, everyone felt ecstatic. Not a care in the world.    

I was still looking out for somewhere to live, and seemed perpetually to be standing in the Housing line. One day a girl addressed this line saying she needed a roommate. In the top of a house on 10th Street. My hand shot up. "I'll do it!" I quickly said. The girl was young (18 to my 22), but seemed mature and smart and willing to get along. We dashed down to 10th where I met the landlord, was accepted, and plunked down $50 (it seems deposits have changed since then).                                               

A kind friend offered me the loan of a bicycle and I became immensely fast, zooming off to class or to the elementary school where I would assist a cloud of tiny first graders. One beautiful afternoon I was riding downhill toward the Admin building, not watching very closely ahead. A girl came out of the building just as I was braking at its door, and - bang! we collided. Papers flew. Books scattered. 

"Oh - I am so sorry! Please - are you alright?"

She stood and brushed herself off and I expected to be told off or shouted at; or at least rebuked for my carelessness. But -

"Yes I'm fine! No problem at all. Are you?" 

I stooped to gather papers and books with her. "Of course, I'm just fine. Just sorry I wasn't watching.."

Her name was Valerie Oldfield, and she was working with students through a group called Campus Crusade for Christ. Her demeanor was friendly and straightforward, and there was an instant connection. We could never think of that collision as an 'accident'. It was meant.

The following week I was late and barreling past the Music building (heading downhill of course) when a guy unwittingly stepped directly in front of me. Oh-no-not-again - crash! went the bike, down went this guy, and we ended in a pile of (once again) books and papers. The poor man. He was as polite as he could be, and with great affability said, "No worries, miss. I've 'ad worse things happen to me." 

"Oh - where are you from?" I asked, stooping to gather up the inevitable papers. 

"Australia," he replied, shaking my hand. "Name's Bob. You OK?" 

"Yes! And I just got back from New Zealand.."

But he was already limping away (in the general direction of the Infirmary). This was not exactly another 'instant' friend. I slunk away, thinking to myself: Ok now, no more collisions.

This marked the first month of the first year at OSU. I had made a lasting friend. I had found a home with a roommate. And apart from being nicknamed 'Evel Knievel', I'd say it was a pretty good start.

But I would be needing a helmet.

See you along the way!
the SconeLady


photo credit: <a href="">vmabney</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

photo credit: <a href="">Un ragazzo chiamato Bi</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

photo credit: <a href="">cliff1066™</a> via <a href="">photopin</a> <a href="">cc</a>

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